Code of Conduct

Sika Footwear A/S Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Sika Footwear is committed to comply with high standards of ethics, quality, and fairness, and we are dedicated to meet its environmental and social responsibilities. As a result, hereof similar high standards must apply to our Suppliers.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

It is mandatory for all companies supplying goods or services to Sika Footwear to comply with all standards of the Code.

The Supplier’s compliance with the supplier Code of Conduct is subject to audit.

The Supplier is responsible for ensuring that sub-contractors/sub-suppliers of the Supplier also fully comply with the Code.

Lack of compliance will be deemed as material breach of contract regarding any Supply Agreement between us and the Supplier. Compliance with the Code will be part of the general supplier evaluation process.

The Supplier is solely responsible for the costs associated with complying with the Code, as this is an integral and natural element of the Suppliers business and production arrangements. The Supplier must notify its employees of the applicable Supplier Code of Conduct.

With reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization the following principles of the code are:

  1. All employment must be freely chosen. Forced or involuntary employment is not tolerated.
  2. Child labor, defined as fulltime employment done by children younger than 15 years of age or younger than the age of completing local compulsory school, is not accepted. However, local legal minimum age for full-time employment must never be violated.
  3. The Supplier shall as a minimum operate in accordance with the minimum wage level and working time regulations of the individual country where it is present.
  4. The Supplier may not be discriminatory in its employment decisions.
  5. The Supplier’s facility must meet safety and hygienic standards.
  6. The Supplier must have a plan for emergencies.
  7. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
  8. The Supplier shall comply with all national and local laws and regulations.
  9. The Supplier shall support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and makes sure that it is not complicit in human rights abuses.
  10. The Supplier will respect the culture and religion of the country and the people who live there.
  11. The Supplier uses the best possible accident prevention measures in the planning of workplaces, equipment, safety management and personal behavior in the everyday workplace.
  12. Environment protection: Sika Footwear cares about the environment and does everything possible to meet the laws and regulations in protecting it. From our Supplier we expect that the environment is respected by following all environmental laws in the country the supplier is situated. By regulating his business processes, the supplier ensures compliance with all environmental laws.
  13. The Supplier will not make use of any form of corruption or bribery, ensuring that bribes are not offered, given, accepted, demanded or knowingly benefitted from.

The provisions of this code constitute minimum and not maximum standards, and this code should not be used to prevent companies from exceeding these standards.

Companies applying this code are expected to comply with national and other applicable law. If there is the same content of laws or Code of Conduct, you must apply the provision which affords the greater protection.

If any questions, please write to: