Comfort and safety are crucial if you want your employees to deliver their very best all day long. With the latest technologies in shock absorption, fit and slip resistant soles, SIKA Cloud is the lightweight choice when you need certified safety in the food industry.
Comfort & Safety at new heights
Comfort and safety are crucial if you want your employees to deliver their very best all day long. With the latest technologies in shock absorption, fit and slip resistant soles, SIKA Cloud is the lightweight choice when you need certified safety in the food industry.
The structure of the shoe
Certified safety
SIKA Cloud has been created by our experienced product developers with the aim of providing food and medical industry personnel with maximum comfort. Cloud is certified according to the latest European standards, EN ISO 20345:2022, which makes it your safe choice when thinking about workplace safety.
SIKA Aerosol™ Foam
Experience a new standard of comfort. The brand new midsole is made from a material called aerosol foam. The foam is very lightweight and airy, while also featuring great shock absorbing properties. During the production of the midsole, air is injected into the foam before it takes final shape. We call this technology SIKA Aerosol™ Foam. A sole made using this technology makes your shoe so lightweight, airy and shock absorbing that it feels like you’re walking on clouds.
Contact us
You are always welcome to contact Sika Footwear to find out more about Sika Cloud, for advice and to place orders.
Sika Footwear A/S
HI-Park 301
DK-7400 Herning
+45 9721 1911
CVR: 83257717
Hours of operation
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 15:00 = [
nm: "Sika Footwear",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- LEDELSEN ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Martin Dahl, CEO",
em: "md$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Mads Johnsen, CFO",
em: "mj$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Ryan Thomsen, COO",
em: "rt$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- KUNDESERVICE ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Søren Ettrup, Customer Service Manager",
em: "*e$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Charlotte Bækgaard, Sales Coordinator",
em: "cb$*ikafootwear+dk "
nm: "Lotte Pedersen, Sales Coordinator",
em: "lp$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Helle Boddum Jensen, Sales Coordinator",
em: "!bj$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Helle Knudsen, Export Coordinator",
em: "!k$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- SALG DK ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Martin Ingemann Pedersen, Sales Manager",
em: "mip$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Jakob Nielsen, Sales Manager",
em: "jn$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Anders Juul, Sales Consultant",
em: "aj$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Christian Kaasing, Sales Consultant",
em: "ck$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Louise Bang Pedersen, Sales Consultant",
em: "lbpe$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Thomas Dam, Sales Consultant",
em: "td$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Rico Vandet, Sales Consultant",
em: "rv$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Martin Fallesen Grube, Sales Consultant",
em: "mfg$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Carina Buk Hartvigsen, Visuel Merchandiser",
em: "cb!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Lise Borup Pedersen, Visual Merchandiser",
em: "lbp$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Morten Bundgaard, Key Account Manager (End User)",
em: "mbu$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Morten Christensen, Key Account Manager (End User)",
em: "mc$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- SALG DK ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: " Thomas Engelbredt, Sales Manager",
em: "te$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Lars Tang Jørgensen, Sales Consultant",
em: "ltj$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Bo Nielsen, Sales Consultant",
em: "bn$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- SALG – EKSPORT ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Werner Matthiesen, Export Manager",
em: "wm$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Mads Halkier, Export Manager Benelux & D/A/CH",
em: "m!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Tim Strohner, Regional Sales Manager D/A/CH ",
em: "t*$*ikafootwear+de"
nm: "Anton Hoekstra, Regional Sales Manager Benelux",
nm: "DI Marco Angelo Plangger, Sales Austria",
em: "au*tria$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Mindaugas Urbelis, Sales Baltics",
em: "mu$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Esad Selimovic, Sales Balkan",
em: "e*$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Lennart Brodersen, Country Manager Sweden, Finland & Norway",
em: "lbr$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Stig-Rune Krokdal, Regional Sales Manager Norway",
em: "*rk$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "David Henriksen, Regional Sales Manager Norway",
em: "d!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Fredrik Lindell Lybing, Regional Sales Manager Sweden",
em: "fll$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Carl Enskär, Regional Sales Manager Sweden ",
em: "cee$*ikafootwear+*e"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- MARKETING ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Gitte Nordskov Balling, Marketing Manager",
em: "gnb$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Kristian Madsen, E-commerce Specialist",
em: "kfm$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Mette Vinther Knudsen, Content Writer",
em: "mvk$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Line Storgaard, Content & SoMe Specialist",
em: "l*$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Jeanette Højris Brøchner, Visual Brand Coordinator",
em: "j!b$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Sanne Hentze Toft, Visual Brand Coordinator",
em: "*!t$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Lone Funch Kirkeby, Data & Web Coordinator",
em: "lfk$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- OPERATIONS ----",
em: ""
nm: "Heidi Kiel Larsen, Planning Manager",
em: "!ki$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "René F. Thomsen, Research & Business Development Manager",
em: "rft$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: ""
nm: "---- INDKØB & PLANLÆGNING ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Michael Grodt-Andersen, Purchase Manager",
em: "mga$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Niels Højland, Purchaser Specialist",
em: "n!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Betina Brun Jensen, Purchasing Coordinator",
em: "bbj$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Nathalie Dahl Knudsen, Purchase Assistant",
em: "ndk$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Morten Berthelsen, Sourcing Manager",
em: "mb$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Tinna Kamstrup, Quality Coordinator",
em: "tk$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Lene Bull Henriksen, Quality Coordinator",
em: "lb!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- PRODUKTUDVIKLING ---- ",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Ole Engelbredt, Owner / Head of Product Development",
em: "oe$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Jane Bjerregaard Nielsen, Project Manager",
em: "jbn$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Charlotte Winum, Responsible Product Developer",
em: "cw$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Christina Søby, Foot Specialist",
em: "c*$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Simone Berthelsen, Occupational Therapist",
em: "*b$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- ADMINISTRATION ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Allan Bøgh Madsen, IT Manager",
em: "abm$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Linda Oehlenschläger Hessel, Finance Controller",
em: "lo!$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Jane Høj, Finance Coordinator",
em: "j!o$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Berit Berngruber, Finance Coordinator – Accounts payable",
em: "bb$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Line Vinni Tranberg, Finance Coordinator - Salary & HR",
em: "lvt$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Susanne Mortensen, Restaurant Coordinator",
em: "kantine$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "---- LAGER ----",
em: "info$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Christoffer Løvborg, Warehousing & Logistics Manager",
em: "cl$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Ronni Lindeberg Viby, Logistic & WMS specialist",
em: "varemodt$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Mona Hjorth, Warehouse Operator",
em: "m!j$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Morten Toft Refstrup, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Søren Døssing, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Daniel S. Bjørneboe, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Cliff Majgaard Gleerup, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Merete Hansen, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Søren Møller Olesen, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Birgitte Faurby, Warehouse Operator",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Jan Sørensen, Janitor",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"
nm: "Casper Reuter Nielsen, Warehouse and Logistics Trainee",
em: "lager$*ikafootwear+dk"